The blackbird' days: A story to tell children - Ocarina Player


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    The blackbird's days

    An italian story to tell children

    27/01/22 Celebrating with children

    “If they are cold, spring will be beautiful, if they are warm, spring will come late.”

    It’s cold outside, the wind is blowing hard and the temperatures are getting colder…don’t worry, the blackbird’s days are coming and, as the legend teaches, spring will not be long in coming!

    The blackbird and his little ones, to protect themselves from the cold of January, went to shelter inside a fichimney. They stayed there for three days and came out only when February arrived, but when they came out of their shelter, their white coat was all covered with soot and from that moment on all blackbirds were born covered with a raven black plumage.

    This is the legend of the blackbird according to which the last three days of January are the coldest days of the winter. There are many versions, perhaps one for each region in Italy, but even today we do not know what the real origins are.

    The legend does not forget to make a prediction: if the  blackbird’s days are cold, spring will be beautiful, if they are warm, spring will arrive late. This year, the premises seem to lean towards the second hypothesis…What do you think? Will the flowers bloom early this 2022?