Eclissi totale del cuore - Bonnie Tyler - Ocarina Player


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    Eclissi totale del cuore – Bonnie Tyler

    22/04/24 Ocarina listening tips

    There’s been a lot of talk these days about the recent solar eclipse, the extraordinary astronomical phenomenon of the “black sun” which, although visible only in North America, captured the interest and imagination of millions of people around the world.

    And if there’s one song that seems to have been written specifically to accompany this phenomenon, it’s Bonnie Tyler’s Total Eclipse of the Heart, a real 80s hit.

    The song’s pulsating rhythm and emotional intensity reflect the magnificence of the solar eclipse itself.

    To celebrate this astronomical event, which hasn’t happened in many years, the popular Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon gave a biting live performance on April 8 to the tune of Bonnie Tyler’s classic “Total Eclipse of the Heart”. The hilarious performance, performed on the roof of Rockefeller Plaza with the rock band Heart, has been going viral.

    Written by Jim Steinman and released in 1983, the song was an immediate triumph. Bonnie Tyler’s powerful, raspy voice matched the dramatic lyrics and catchy melody perfectly, making the song a timeless classic that has been covered many times over the decades, from Tori Amos to Raffaella Carrà. Surprisingly, within hours of the eclipse, the song shot to the top of the streaming charts, reaching number one on the iTunes chart in the USA. The Welsh singer then reposted it on her official Instagram profile. Her thank-you is a phrase from the song: “Nothing I Can Say”.. Now let’s take a look at the video clip, which is also emblematic. Directed by Russell Mulcahy, the clip features evocative, surreal imagery that intertwines with the song’s narrative. Images of a mysterious castle, masked dancers and the unforgettable choir scene inside a school have made this clip an 80s classic. 

    You can buy the track HERE