Ocarina for M'illumino di meno - Ocarina Player


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    Ocarina for M'illumino di meno

    As a gift, the new audio fairytale The Big Oak signed by Ocarina

    11/03/22 Ocarina news

    The new tale ‘The Big Oak’: free download for our friends

    Cycling, greening and, in general, improving our lifestyle to reduce the environmental impact. This is the invitation of M’illumino di Meno, the radio campaign dedicated to energy saving and sustainable lifestyles launched by Caterpillar Rai Radio2 that is celebrated today, March 11.
    This year Ocarina, which has always been sensitive to environmental issues and has always been faithful to its ecological approach – that is reflected both in its production choices and in the eco-pedagogical orientation of its activities – joins the initiative.

    In addition to inviting people to turn off the lights for this evening, M’illumino di Meno 2022, puts at the center of its campaign the bicycle, the means of transport that most of all respects the environment, and the plants that are the most effective “air purifiers” that we can use.
    Today more than ever, not wasting and investing in renewable energy is an act of peace:  more walking or cycling and more planting can help make our world a less polluted, more livable and certainly a more peaceful place.And plants, and in particular the Big Oak, are the protagonists of the new OcarinaSound novel that from today, on the occasion of M’illumino di Meno, will be available for free download from the Ocarina website.’The Big Oak’ is an African folk tale that tells of peace, love and friendship.  The protagonist is a magnificent oak that, with his generosity, helps the animals of the wood (squirrels, hares, birds, bees) to save themselves from a terrible storm, putting in first place friendship and love for others even at the cost of sacrificing his own freedom. The narration blends with the sound design taking the listeners into an imaginary world made of Nature, trees and talking animals.

    ‘The Big Oak’ has been realized in three languages (Italian, French and English) and can be downloaded for free from today until March 18, the date in which is celebrated the World Recycling Day.