Ocarina at the Festivaletteratura di Mantova - Ocarina Player


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    Ocarina at the Festivaletteratura di Mantova

    On stage 2 new stories for children over the love for environment

    07/09/22 Ocarina news

    Once again, this year Ocarina will be a sponsor of the Festivaletteratura di Mantova with two events for both children and adults to be held on Thursday, September 8 and Friday, September 9 at the Valentini Gardens.
    Now in its 26th edition, the Festivaletteratura is one of the most awaited events dedicated to great Italian and international literature. On the program are several meetings with writers, readings, guided tours, workshops for children, performances, concerts with guests from all over the world. Many themes will be discussed: ecology and environment, current affairs and geopolitics, architecture and urban planning…

    The Ocarina-branded shows feature two original short stories, written exclusively for this edition of the Festivaletteratura. At the center is the theme of the environment, the protagonists being trees, children and nature. The actress Maria Roveran will stage these stories full of emotions and unexpected events, accompanied by live ‘sound’ by the noisemaker Stefano Trevisi. At the end of the performance there will be a workshop moment, during which children will be able to try out and touch the tools and objects that have animated their imagination.
    Starting then on September 8 at 4 p.m. with a reading of “La collina dei colori” by Sonia Maria Luce Possentini: “in the long summers of my childhood spent among wheat fields and lonely games, a green hill was my favorite refuge. One day, from a small burrow placed up there, a small figure emerged, leaving clouds of color in its track. How was this possible? I imagined her at night in her burrow, by the light of a firefly, mixing flower petals and some herb I had never seen before. And then, suddenly…”
    On September 9 at 4:15 p.m. is the turn of Bruno Tognolini’s “Orecchie d’albero”: “Once upon a time, in a not too far away kingdom, a little girl named Flora was born. This little girl was beautiful and healthy, just like other children in everything except one thing: instead of ears she had two leaves…”. So begins this fairy tale, to be told under the trees. And how does it continue?….Florina Orecchie d’albero grows up, the poor child can’t hear anything because of those ears, and so she doesn’t say anything. But she sings, though: strange, arcane songs made only of long vowels. She sings in the backyard, under seven beautiful fruit trees, looking fixedly at them…

    Do you want to know how the story continues? Come and you will listen to it with your human ears….
    Podcasts of the readings from these two dates will be available on the web site ocarinaplayer.com